Thursday, February 14, 2008

Me In Threes Thursdays - Week 6, Valentine's Day & 14 days of Valentines

Me In Threes Thursdays
What are three things you were doing 10 years ago?

These are easy. I was on my mission 10 years ago. Saying that about sums it up.

  1. Teaching the Gospel to the people of The Utah Ogden Mission using the 6 discussions (this ages me a little since the lessons have changed a lot).
  2. Spending 24/7 with another sister missionary. I was lucky, my companions were truly wonderful people!
  3. Going to a dinner appointment, where the members stuffed us silly, and I had all kinds of jello imaginable (and even some that you couldn't imagine at all)!
14 Days of Valentines
On the thirteenth day... My husband got 13 scriptures about love.

On the fourteenth day... My husband got 14 candles at our candlelight dinner.Us enjoying a candlelight dinner alone, while the children were being babysat by a movie in the TV room (it actually worked!). We had a wonderful Italian dinner with chocolate fondue for dessert, than we ended the night watching a movie together once the children were in bed. I got two gifts this Valentines. One was a DVD of a movie we watched last year and I loved called "Stardust" and the other was an apron (which my not seem big, but I've ruined too many shirts while cooking or doing crafts, so it is big to me). I loved them. Way to go Brad for great gifts and paying attention!!!!

Today I gave my children a little valentine's goody bag. For FHE last Monday we talked about showing love at home and then we made Valentines bags (shown below). In them I put candy necklaces, a pencil, glow-in-the-dark necklaces, punch balloons, and the jellybean valentines I made (picture in a previous post). They loved them and loved the attention.

I also got some valentines from some friends :) YEAH!I got a box of Ferrero Rocher (which are already half gone) from Martina and Nicole when they visited earlier this week.
Than today we got these wonderful muffins from Kari Dawn. I have great friends and a wonderful husband, don't I? All in all, it was a fabulous day!

Yesterday wasn't so fabulous for Seija though. She was feeling pretty terrible and even today she wasn't totally herself. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be 100%.When Matthias woke up and wanted breakfast, I walked out of the office to find Seija like this. She had woken up, barely made it out of her room and crashed again. At least she had more energy today, but her bowels are still giving her major problems.

6 people know I like comments:

basilrac said...

WOW - how sweet. You have inspired me.

Anna said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun!! Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

It's fun to find out you blog Tilane! you just found a new regular! By the way i did take those pics and thankyou. Sounds like you went all out for valentines way to go! Kent and I have to have a do over valentines because we tried to manage with kids as well and were not as successful as you two! Hope things are well!

Jill said...

I love reading your blog; you do such a good job making it fun!

You also did an amazing job on your Valentine's days. This is such a neat idea and I'm glad it worked out so well!

jenny said...

That photo is so sad! Hope she is feeling better. Thanks again for dinner last week. It sounds like you had a great V-day week!!

The Mad Hatter said...

10 years ago Al and I were one month away from our wedding. That is crazy. We got to go for dinner. Our babysitter had a 2 hour time limit, so dessert was at home.