Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sunday's Weekly Blessing (on Tuesday) - Friends

I am really grateful for all the friends I have made, where ever I have moved. You have made me feel welcomed. You have helped me through many tough situations. We have laughed together. We have had fun. I feel loved and blessed to have each of you in my life.

I was out of town this weekend, which is why this post is late. Me being out of town is also the reason I picked "Friends" for my blessing post this week. I had a bunch of friends pull together to watch my children while my husband and I were in Las Vegas (a lot more on that wonderful weekend is coming!).

While we were gone we needed someone to watch our children. As I was thinking of who could watch the children I decided to call Jill to see who she had gotten. While we were talking, she offered to watch my children. So nice, hey!?! I took her up on that offer, and rested easy knowing our children would have a blast and would be well taken care of. I rested easy, that is, until she called me on the day of my trip to tell me of her daughter's emergency surgery, and that she could no longer watch my children the whole time. STRESSED!!! So last minute, we found some other wonderful friends to help out. Jill watched them Friday afternoon - Sunday afternoon. Than we got Beth to watch them Sunday afternoon to Monday afternoon. And we got Derek & Amy to watch them Monday afternoon until we got home late that night. Thank-you, Thank-you for helping us out!!!!!!!! You are all awesome!

1 people know I like comments:

Nield Family said...

Hey this is Juli, Becky's daughter. I found your blog and it is so cute. It was so fun to see you guys in Vegas for a little while. Hopefully we can stay in touch!