Tuesday, February 5, 2008

SPT Challenge - Fill-in-the-blanks

sometimes we've just got to mix up the soul searching spts with some off the cuff fun. this feels like one of those weeks - i feel like having FUN!! so how about a fill-in-the-blanks? all you need to do is fill in the blanks and insert your spt ready?

the other day, i was in my _____________, and i noticed this _______________. my only thought was, "why do i still have this hanging around my house?!?"

As I was thinking about the "why do I still have this hanging around my house?" question, I thought of basically every piece of furniture in my home, but there is a very obvious answer to that question. We have it because we are poor students. If money were no object I'd toss the beds, mattresses, couch, table, chairs, shelves, a dresser, etc, etc. But definitely the first piece of furniture to go would be our couch. From far away it doesn't look to bad, eh? Well take a look at these...Fortunately the colours of the couch do a pretty good job at masking the stains that are on it.

The blanks could also be filled with "closet" and "bag"I use to use this as my temple bag because I thought it was so tacky and therefore perfect. But it has been a long time now since I have used it. Some people like to keep everything, but I'm the kind of person who likes to dejunk and toss. So I really did think "why do I still have this hanging around my house?"

Other people looking in my home may have filled in the blanks with "friend Tilane's house" and "tube of toothpaste"But we like to get our money's worth out of everything we buy.There's at least two more brushes in that tube!

6 people know I like comments:

Laurie said...

I've been known to keep squeezing the toothpaste tubes too. They're almost neverending. Most people throw them out when there's like 2 months worth of toothbrushing left.

Amy said...

Ah..this may sound corny, but I so envy couples that get to do the "poor student" thing together. My husband & I were both well-established before we married each other, so I truly think we missed out on lots of the struggling and growth that comes with sitting on such a lovely couch together!

Unknown said...

*at least* two more brushes worth... i bet you could get three!!

oh, the couch. i've sooooo been there. even the couches we have now would not be my first choice. but someday!

jenny said...

That is a crack up! I would have to say the colors of the couch do a great camouflaging when far away. I never would have guessed it was in that sort of shape.

An extra 2 more usages--now that is definitely getting ALL of the toothpaste out :)

Michelle Alley said...

Your toothpast looks strikingly like the ones in our toothpast drawer! The couch does look comfortable though! We didn't own a new couch until our 6th year of marriage - borrowed and used is perfect!

Jantzen and Stephanie said...

Gotta appreciate your couch! Our couch was a cast off from the student apartments where we met. Sentiment and student loans currently override trendy and super comfy:)