Friday, January 25, 2008

Family Fridays - Temperature & Bball

Seija this week was sick. Or at least I thought she was sick. She had a super hight temperature of 40.2 Celcius (aka 104.4 F for my American friends) on Monday night, that lasted for 24 hours. Fortunately it came down a little with children's Tylenol. That was the only symptom she had though. She was still her happy, talkative, active self that whole time. So maybe she is working on her two year molars. Who knows? I am so grateful for my handy, accurate thermometre that only takes one second. What did people do before this wonderful invention? My child has a hard enough time sitting still for the one second that it takes. I can't imagine having to shove a thermometre in a child's mouth (or anywhere else fro that matter) for a whole minute or so. If any of you, who have children, don't have ones of these, I strongly recommend them.

My boys started basketball this month and are really enjoying it. Below is them with their uniforms on.This past Christmas they got a basketball hoop from their Grandpa and for weeks (until it got cold recently) they would be found "practicing", as Caleb called it, outside.
Caleb "practicing"
Matthias "practicing"

Today was a busy day. I have three card swaps due next Friday, so I decided to start on them today. Caleb was invited to two birthday parties, one today, one tomorrow. So I killed two birds with one stone and made one of my swaps a boys birthday card.
The basketball ones are for the two birthday parties and the football one is for the swap. I made a total of 29 cards today. I now only have two more swaps to think of and make before next Friday. I started this posting way earlier today and it is now "tomorrow", after 1am. I am a crazy night owl! One of my goals this year is to get to bed before midnight on the week days. I have been doing really well with this goal, but I cut it close most of the time.

1 people know I like comments:

jenny said...

Jared loved his card AND the gift. So glad you guys were able to come. And thanks for coming out to his baptism!!