Wednesday, January 16, 2008

SPT Challenge - A Closer Look

is there a part of you, a part of your home, a part of your creativity that gets more attention from you than anything else? when you look at your reflection, do you automatically zoom in on a feature you love or you loathe? when you are in your creative space, is there one project that gets your attention before all the others?

I took a picture of something that , until last Monday, had a big impact on what I did each week.

One of my goals in 2007 was to take piano lessons. I love singing and I wanted to learn more about piano and music. I really enjoyed this goal. It was a lot of fun to do, but it also required a lot of practice time. That being said, I would still be doing piano lessons, but my practice time just disappeared. My two year old daughter has decided she doesn't need naps anymore. If she was content to play by herself, like my four year old, this wouldn't have been a problem, but she is the type who needs a lot of attention. Good-bye piano lessons. So long wonderful piano teacher. Hello to a goal this year that is hopefully just as fun and enlightening. Below is a closer look at what will be my next learning endeavor.

4 people know I like comments:

Unknown said...

i am so sorry you don't have time for piano lessons this year!! i have played since i was five - even though i have a gorgeous piano in my home, i am sad that i don't make the time to sit down and play more often than i do.

welcome to spt! i'm looking forward to reading more of your posts.

jenny said...

I think it's great you did take piano lessons last year. That is definitely one goal in intend to do someday!

I can't wait to see your photography skills improve--so jealous.

Kim Sue said...

checking out other SPT posts....

don't stop playing - your kids (one day) will love that you play. My dad played a little when I was growing up and I have vivid memories of him sitting at the piano playing - keep giving yourself time!

Angie said...

I love how you jumped in with both feet and took piano lessons. I took for five years growing up and have forgotten a lot of what I learned. Maybe soon I can reteach myself.

I'm jealous of your new goal. I want to learn how to take awesome pictures, too. I may be calling you for tips.